World Champion CHILI COOKOFF
Just East of the Big Bend National Park
November 3-7, 2004

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If any participants would like any of these photos in high resolution suitable for printing, drop me a line and I will provide them to you on a CD-ROM without charge to use however you please.

Big Bend Ride, The Window 3  Close up of The Window
Big Bend Ride to the interior of the Chisos Mountains, otherwise known as "The Window" overlooking our distant campsite

Eric Whipple climbing "Dinner Hill"  Eric  Whipple at the top of Dinner Hill
Eric Whipple climbing "Dinner Hill" Construction bosses made lazy workers climb this hill for their supper during park construction

Riders group along the way to The Window  Rider group at The Window
Riders group along the way to the Window                          Steve, Mark, Tom, Kayla, Eric & Ron at the Window

cactus at the Window  Chisos Mountains coming down from The Window
Cactus coming down from The Window                                  Chisos Mountains descending into St. Elena Canyon

Luna's Jacal on Old Maverick Road  Luna's Jacal exterior on Old Maverick Road
Luna's Jacal (shack) on Old Maverick Road where he raised 14 kids and went through 3 wives to do it

Luna's Jacal interior  Luna's Jacal sign with Luna's photo
Gilberto Luna successfully raised crops and livestock until he died at 108

Luna's Jacal construction sign  Luna's Jacal construction sign 2

Eric Whipple climbs hill overlooking Luna's Jacal  Eric Whipple climbs over Luna's Jacal 2
Eric Whipple climbing again, this time the hill overlooking Luna's Jacal

Cactus near Luna's Jacal  Old Maverick Road in Santa Elena Canyon
    More Cactus near Luna's Jacal                                        The dusty dirt road that was a shortcut back to camp

Chisos Mountains from Old Maverick Road
  Mark David Manders on stage at the Terlingua chili cookoff 
           Chisos Mountains from Old Maverick Road                         Mark David Manders on stage at the Chili Cookoff  Saturday night

Mark David Manders on stage at Terlingua  Ghost shot of Mark David Manders on stage
                  Mark David Manders on stage                                    This ghost shot was a result of my camera advance gears malfunction

KNON personality introducing Manders  another ghost shot with Mark David Manders on stage
KNON personality introducing Mark David Manders                               OK, my camera was malfunctioning a lot  

Willie & Laura dancing  Laura dancing backstage with Willie 
Willie, our campsite neighbor,  needed his beer to keep up with Laura.  My camera continued to malfunction

Laura dancing with Willie  Cheryl Arthur won 2nd place in the Terlingua Margarita Mixoff
                                                                                                                                 Cheryl Arthur won 2nd place in the Terlingua Margarita Mixoff

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